Research update on childhood headaches
Chiropractic and headaches in Kids
Many people don’t realise that kids can also suffer re-occuring headaches as well as adults. It’s estimated that around 5% of 3 year olds suffer reoccuring headaches and by puberty this number is around 50% (1).
What up to now has been sadly lacking in the literature is any well designed studies that examine what role chiropractic may play in helping these patients.
In recent study published in the journal ” Chiropractic and manual therapies ” with good sample size of 199 children that experienced regularly headaches they were divided into 2 groups. One group received chiropractic manipulation and the other received a ” Sham ” treatment.
What they found was that the kids that received Chiropractic treatment had significantly fewer episodes of headaches with around a 20% improvement. No serious side effects were reported and the study concluded that given it’s relatively cheap cost and lack of side effects Chiropractic treatment for Children is a good first line treatment options for kids with recurring headaches.
Further research is needed to help classify what types of headaches in kids respond best to chiropractic treatment as there are many types of headaches out there and some seem to respond better than others.
If you would like to make an appointment in Niseko or now also in Sunabe Okinawa with Brent Verco you can do so on the link below
- Effectiveness of chiropractic manipulation versus sham manipulation for recurrent headaches in children aged 7–14 years – a randomised clinical trial